Crisis: A Perfect Time to Innovate?

2016-01-03T21:29:11+00:00By |Meta-Leadership, Uncategorized|

From left: Richard Serino, Janet Napolitano Richard Reed, and Leonard Marcus Crisis -- a time when many organizations hunker down. They tighten restrictions on what people can say or do. They adopt a bunker mentality. That wasn't the case for FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) in the aftermath of super storm Sandy. [...]

Lenny Marcus and Barry Dorn Interviewed by the Washington Post

2012-08-23T21:03:50+00:00By |Uncategorized|

"...the first, overarching lesson from our research is that bad leadership – much like smoking – is a public health risk factor. Whether in the aftermath of a terror attack or a natural disaster, we have seen that when leaders don’t perform well lives are lost and people abandoned" Lenny Marcus and Barry Dorn share [...]

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