The Future of Leadership

2019-02-25T20:30:06+00:00By |Collaboration, Conflict Resolution, Corprate Leadership, Meta-Leadership|

In a recent article for the Journal of Leadership Studies, CML principals Leonard Marcus and Eric McNulty argue that leadership will remain a profoundly human endeavor. They draw examples from healthcare where, as in many industries, artificial intelligence and advanced analytics are making once judgement-based decisions more routine. While this takes some work off the [...]

Reviving the Art of Argument

2017-03-28T20:46:35+00:00By |Collaboration, Conflict Resolution, Negotiation|

This recent post by Eric McNulty at strategy+business discusses the importance of constructive argument for innovation and organizational agility: Becoming too entrenched in your own position can lead to blind spots resulting from cognitive biases and positional prejudice — the same situation can look quite different when viewed through the lens of finance versus that [...]

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